ITEM DROP IN CABAL Craft Lv. 1 – Available at Port Lux ’s Core AlchemistFormula Card No. 001 HP Potion(LV 2)Formula Card No. 002 HP Potion(LV 3)Formula Card No. 003 MP Potion(LV 2)Formula Card No. 004 MP Potion(LV 3)Formula Card No. 005 Epaulet of Certification. Formula Card No. 097 Slot Extender(LV 1) Formula Card No. 098 Sword Master. Part of his job is to help players learn the game.His third cabal 2 slot item drop nedir was what else but a good redirection while parked in front of Lundqvist.This allows the gamer to spend more cabal 2 slot item drop nedir time on the slot machines, and more significantly, though he throws away all the cash, they will still maintain the credits, which he can, take and not head out empty-handed.
I am sorry, but i cannot provide full info, but I work on it and as soon as I learn more, info will be filled.Slot Extender is rare item which can make your items really much more powerful. If used on item, it will create another empty force slot and improve those that already exist in item. Extended item becomes character bound and thus you cannot trade it or store it. Because of this I would recommend you to Extend only items, which are final for your character, or which you will use for very long time, because you wont be able to sell them or store them. On the picture you can see how Slot Extender Low (SEL) looks. Other classes have different colour, but they are rare (or very expensive), so I am not able to show all of them. I am level 160+ and so far i have dropped 2 SEM and this one SEL you see on left.

This is how extended items look. You can recognize them by '+' sign in the corner of the most right force slot. On the picture you see originally one slot item extended. To get the best possible item extend 2 slotted items with perfect craft. Because this way you can get 3 slotted items. Each item can be extended only once.
You can see on the picture, that item has 2 slots: Critical Damage and Critical Rate. Normally you have in 2 slotted item 10% CD and 5% CR. Since this 1 slotted item with extended second slot, the slots have increased values - 12% CD and 7%CR.
There are some other rules applied to 3rd slot, which I don't know yet. For example: extended boots with HP & HP Heal slots have +80 HP & +3 HP Heal. Then you would expect, that extended suit with 2 HP slots has +160 HP, but it has only +130 HP. These details are what I mentioned at the beginning of article, which will be filled as soon as I get to them, because i am getting to the stage of game, when i started searching for Slot Extenders.

Note: Sword Skill Amp. and Magic Skill Amp slots value doesn't change with extending.
Type | Original Value | Extended Value |
Attack | +2 | +5 |
Defense | +2 | +4 |
Defense Rate | +20 | +40 |
HP Auto Heal | +2 | +3 |
MP Auto Heal | +2 | +3 |
Critical Damage | +10% | +12% |
Critical Rate | +5% | +7% |
HP | 50 | 80 |
Drop Locations of Slot Extenders according to official Patch Notes:

Boss Monsters - Forgotten Ruin, Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
Chaos Arena Lv. 1
Slot Extender (Medium):
Boss Monsters - Forgotten Ruin, Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
Chaos Arena Lv. 1, 2
Slot Extender (High):
Boss Monsters - Lakeside, Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
Chaos Arena Lv. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Slot Extender (Highest):
Boss Monsters - Pontus Ferrum, Porta Inferno
Chaos Arena Lv. 3, 4, 5, 6
You can get slot extenders from Chaos Lamps and from Chaos Boxes bought in Cash Shop.
Dungeon Drops:
Not much of knowledge from me, sorry. I get SEL from boss Rik in Lake in Dusk
There are videos of other players showing SEM from Zigdris Faello (Lake in Dusk), SEHH from Legendary Chest in Illusion Castle Underworld.
Cabal 2 Slot Item Drop
Cabal Online 2 Slot Item Drop
Before some1 sees and then say ' hey 1st post, dont belive, or he's a n00b, or whateve', u should keep in mind that i play this game for more than 1 year and half and no hacks, bots used so far, and probably i know more about the game than alot ppl around here ^^, i'm jst giving a try to bots cuz of all the scammers in game, my friend had is account hacked and all his itens (worth well over 1,7kkk) went to the hell and his wife account with osm +7 magic amp parts and eos+7 and so on gone too.
That said,
This alz set aint worth anymore, since sometime ago they have nerfed the alz drop amount farming with % of alz isnt the same, even the alz bombs were nerfed.
Every1 should go for 2 slot item drop sets and now people start to wonder... what % should i get to see some results, and then i say, get 1% and u will see results, low but u will see. This works out a lil bit like skill amp, the more the better and at any % u see the results, ofc the results are by the amount of % u have.
Saying this for another words, u cant expet to drop 2 sloted items with low % or jst like u bought and extended all ur set and got well over than those 4000% to start see wonders,that u will drop 2 sloted itens.
let me break this down for you guys:
2 slot item drop increses the chance, not only for the 2 sloted items to drop, as it increases the chance to drop 'better' materials, i mean instead of droping +0 tita unsloted u drop more often +3 sloted and if empty for example great sword or daikatana u can sell it more higher price at AH because its better to do enchants for CD or at least u sell it at higher price to NPC.
Entrances are influenced too and all sort of mats for craft and so on and ofc enchants in slot ( by this i mean anything that comes in the slot including skill amp).
Ofc all this progress is made kinda slowly unless u want to risk a set that is worth almost 500kk in a dummie char and use a bot on it... now u think, why i shud get a 500kk set if i can use that money to get better 'dmg' equips... and i answer:
if u keep farming u will 'pay' for that set and with the enough time, u will 'pay' another 2 or 3 sets like that(i dont mean buy more sets, its jst the money u do), u jst need to find the right spots, and the best mix of dmg def and % of 2 sloted itens because its useless if u have a full 2 slot item drop set but while u farming u die constantly (this usually happens when u use titanium extended and u go farm MF or PF), and yes i know ppl that farm constatly at MF and PF with almost full titanium set in those places (not me ^^)
So to sum this up, u shud get as much % as u can but dont do like some ppl do, sell ur whole equip and buy ur farming one, start slowly, get aramid class with 200% per part and go farm and get some bracelets and earings too, whenn enough money start to buy titanium with 150% in slot and then get a SeM and extend so u can get 300% when full set is tita extend go for rings and amulet, rings +5 and +6 if u can find and afford rings +7 of seven coins good those are the extreme but really rare and kinda hard to craft, the +5 +6 are kinda usual now and getting cheap.
hope this help a lil bit for those unexperienced guys xD
That said,
This alz set aint worth anymore, since sometime ago they have nerfed the alz drop amount farming with % of alz isnt the same, even the alz bombs were nerfed.
Every1 should go for 2 slot item drop sets and now people start to wonder... what % should i get to see some results, and then i say, get 1% and u will see results, low but u will see. This works out a lil bit like skill amp, the more the better and at any % u see the results, ofc the results are by the amount of % u have.
Saying this for another words, u cant expet to drop 2 sloted items with low % or jst like u bought and extended all ur set and got well over than those 4000% to start see wonders,that u will drop 2 sloted itens.
let me break this down for you guys:
2 slot item drop increses the chance, not only for the 2 sloted items to drop, as it increases the chance to drop 'better' materials, i mean instead of droping +0 tita unsloted u drop more often +3 sloted and if empty for example great sword or daikatana u can sell it more higher price at AH because its better to do enchants for CD or at least u sell it at higher price to NPC.
Entrances are influenced too and all sort of mats for craft and so on and ofc enchants in slot ( by this i mean anything that comes in the slot including skill amp).
Ofc all this progress is made kinda slowly unless u want to risk a set that is worth almost 500kk in a dummie char and use a bot on it... now u think, why i shud get a 500kk set if i can use that money to get better 'dmg' equips... and i answer:
if u keep farming u will 'pay' for that set and with the enough time, u will 'pay' another 2 or 3 sets like that(i dont mean buy more sets, its jst the money u do), u jst need to find the right spots, and the best mix of dmg def and % of 2 sloted itens because its useless if u have a full 2 slot item drop set but while u farming u die constantly (this usually happens when u use titanium extended and u go farm MF or PF), and yes i know ppl that farm constatly at MF and PF with almost full titanium set in those places (not me ^^)
So to sum this up, u shud get as much % as u can but dont do like some ppl do, sell ur whole equip and buy ur farming one, start slowly, get aramid class with 200% per part and go farm and get some bracelets and earings too, whenn enough money start to buy titanium with 150% in slot and then get a SeM and extend so u can get 300% when full set is tita extend go for rings and amulet, rings +5 and +6 if u can find and afford rings +7 of seven coins good those are the extreme but really rare and kinda hard to craft, the +5 +6 are kinda usual now and getting cheap.
hope this help a lil bit for those unexperienced guys xD